我的購物車{{item.promotion_name}}{{ presentmentCurrencyPriceFormat(item.total_price_with_addon)}} {{ presentmentCurrencyPriceFormat(item.price * item.qty)}}{{ presentmentCurrencyPriceFormat(item.net_price * item.qty)}} {{ presentmentCurrencyPriceFormat(item.price * item.qty)}}{{item.name}} ({{item.variant_name}})數量: {{ item.qty }}小計:{{ presentmentCurrencyPriceFormat(cart['subtotal']) }}你的購物車沒有貨品。
天然潔齒棒-風乾原條短牛筋 (100g)
{{ isSelectedAllOptions ? presentmentCurrencyProductPriceRangeFormat(selected_product, 'original_price') : presentmentCurrencyProductPriceRangeFormat(product, 'original_price') }}
{{ isSelectedAllOptions ? presentmentCurrencyProductPriceRangeFormat(selected_product, 'price') : presentmentCurrencyProductPriceRangeFormat(product, 'price') }}
{{ group.name }}
{{ group.group_hints }}
- Storage instructions/ 貯存方法:
- Store in a cool, dry place.
- 存放在清涼、乾爽環境下
- Suggested shelf life/ 保質期限:
- 6 months/ 個月
*Please always supervise your dog while chewing. Remove it once it's worn down to a size smaller than their mouth to prevent the risk of choking. 進食潔齒類小食時,建議毛孩家長在旁觀察。如小食已被咀嚼較細至可直接吞下,請立刻移開,以免導致哽咽。
*This product is NOT recommended for aggressive eaters who do not like chewing 此小食不建議給予有吞食習慣或不喜愛咀嚼食物的毛孩
*Puppy-friendly 適合幼犬咀嚼
Made in Hong Kong 香港製造
**All treats are 100% handmade in small batches, actual colours, shapes, weights may vary slightly/ 天然小食均由100%人手製作,實物顏色、形狀及重量或會有少量誤差